Dear readers,
I’m back from being on the road and writing to update you on both professional and personal news.
Let’s start with professional:
1. Meg Miller wrote a piece for the New York Times about my project I knew that if I walked in your footsteps, it would become a ritual (completed as part of my residency with Ada X). Dann and I were stuck with a broken AC in the middle of heatwave in Nebraska when I was surprised with a couple text messages about how the article was actually featured as an editor’s pick at some point (screenshot proof below)! A big thank you to Meg Miller for interviewing myself and my mother for this piece :) (and a thank you to my mom for participating in both the interview and in my video piece!)
This semester I will be part of the cohort at the ITP/IMA project residency at NYU where my faculty point person will be Allison Parrish. I am so grateful for this opportunity and look forward to writing updates as the semester progresses. I’m also a huge fan of Allison Parrish’s work and have found myself drawn to this particular article of hers while thinking about my relationship to machine learning.
As for personal updates, I basically just have a lot of road trip pictures to share. It’s in moments like these I actually find myself really missing social media. I miss sending indirect updates to and getting indirect updates from my friends. But I made my choice and I will stick to it! Instead, I’ll just use this newsletter to show off pics of Dann and Papaya in various places :)
So our actual itinerary ended up like this:
New York -> Johnson City, Tennessee
Johnson City, Tennessee -> Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Tuscaloosa, Alabama -> New Orleans, LA
New Orleans, LA -> Austin, TX
Austin, TX -> El Paso, TX
El Paso, TX -> Pheonix, AZ
Pheonix, AZ -> Joshua Tree, CA
Joshua Tree, CA -> Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles, CA -> The Bay Area [Oakland, Berkley, SF, Point Reyes], CA
The Bay Area, CA -> Crescent City (camping in the redwoods), CA
Crescent City, CA -> Chemult, Oregon
Chemult, Oregon -> Boise, Idaho
Boise, Idaho -> Island Park, Idaho
Island Park, Idaho -> Sheridan, Wyoming
Sheridan, Wyoming -> Sioux city, Iowa
Sioux city, Iowa -> Champaign, IL
Champaign, IL -> Cincinnati, Ohio
Cincinnati, Ohio -> Ohiopyle, PA
Ohiopyle, PA -> Rockland County, New York
Rockland County, New York -> New York City
phewwwwww that was a long list.In addition to camping we also, motel-ed, airbnb-ed and stayed with people. A big thanks to all the friends and family that hosted us! Below is a mini list of highlights in no particular order (couldn’t fit it all in this post!)…

Charred trees in Oregon :(
And that’s all I can fit in this post according to substack. Thanks for reading!! :)
P.S. The van is Dann’s and he’s also a man with a van at (moving company)